Hi everyone, the TransTasman's are almost upon us. I will be going down to Christchurch tomorrow midday, with all my gear to bring you two days of Petanque, on behalf of PNZ.
I'll do a test stream tomorrow afternoon (Friday) and hopefully bring you a draw and a run sheet. I think the Opening Ceremony is at 8am on Saturday, so hopefully everything will be working to cover that.
We are streaming to Petanque New Zealand's YouTube Channel. Go there then click the Live tab
The link below will take you there
I suggest you subscribe and hit the notification button so you are alerted when a stream starts.
We will stream continuously during the morning, then a break for lunch and maintenance, then stream through until close of play on both days.
You can comment on the live stream and talk amongst yourselves there. I will monitor the chat from time to time but will be busy looking after the production.
Should be a great weekend of Petanque....go the Kiwi's!