
Coaching Clinic in Canberra

Published Mon 11 Jul 2022

National Coach Adrian Clements recently ran a coaching Clinic in Canberra. 

As part of the development role, I travelled to Canberra for the weekend of the 18th and 19th of June to conduct an Introduction to Coaching course.

There were 7 participants, six from the Canberra Capital club and one from Sydney.

We had a successful day with everyone being involved in a couple of practical sessions, as well as listening to my presentation.

On the Sunday, I spent some time at the Winter Solstice event in Canberra, answering questions and giving some advice.I have also recently had a lengthy conversation with Cameron Tradell, Director of Officiating and Coaching at Sports Australia. The focus of our talk was the on-line coaching course (newly updated) that is a PFA requirement for beginning coaches. Cameron is working on updating more specific courses that we can incorporate into our progressive structure for coaches.
